- class dgld.models.GAAN.model.GAAN(noise_dim, gen_hid_dims, attrb_dim, ed_hid_dims, out_dim, dropout=0, act=<function relu>)[source]
GAAN (Generative Adversarial Attributed Network Anomaly Detection) is a generative adversarial attribute network anomaly detection framework, including a generator module, an encoder module, a discriminator module, and uses anomaly evaluation measures that consider sample reconstruction error and real sample recognition confidence to make predictions.
- Parameters
noise_dim (int) – Dimension of the Gaussian random noise
gen_hid_dims (List) – The list for the size of each hidden sample for generator.
attrb_dim (int) – The attribute of node’s dimension
ed_hid_dims (List) – The list for the size of each hidden sample for encoder.
out_dim (int) – Dimension of encoder output.
dropout (int, optional) – Dropout probability of each hidden, default 0
act (callable activation function, optional) – The non-linear activation function to use, default torch.nn.functional.relu
>>> gnd_dataset = GraphNodeAnomalyDectionDataset("Cora") >>> g = gnd_dataset[0] >>> label = gnd_dataset.anomaly_label >>> model = GAAN(32,[32,64,128],g.ndata['feat'].shape[1],[32,64],128,dropout = 0.2) >>> model.fit(g, num_epoch=1, device='cpu') >>> result = model.predict(g) >>> print(split_auc(label, result))
- cal_score(graph, x, x_, a, alpha, batch_size)[source]
The function to compute score.
- Parameters
graph (dgl.DGLGraph) – Input graph.
x (torch.tensor) – The attritube matrix.
x – The generator attritube matrix.
a (torch.tensor) – The reconstruction adjacency matrix by real attritube.
alpha (float) – Loss balance weight for attribute and structure.
batch_size (int) – The number of nodes to compute.
- Returns
The score of nodes.
- Return type
- dis_loss(a, a_)[source]
The function to compute discriminator loss.
- Parameters
a (torch.tensor) – The probability of edge from the true attribute reconstruction adjacency matrix.
a – The probability of edge from the fake attribute reconstruction adjacency matrix.
- Returns
Discriminator loss.
- Return type
- fit(graph, attrb_feat=None, batch_size=0, num_epoch=10, g_lr=0.001, d_lr=0.001, weight_decay=0, num_neighbor=-1, device='cpu', verbose=False, y_true=None, alpha=0.3)[source]
Train the model.
- Parameters
graph (dgl.DGLGraph) – Input graph.
attrb_feat (torch.tensor, optional) – The attritube matrix of nodes. None for use the graph.ndata[‘feat’], default None
batch_size (int, optional) – Minibatch size, 0 for full batch, default 0
num_epoch (int, optional) – _description_, by default 10
g_lr (float, optional) – Generator learning rate, default 0.001
d_lr (float, optional) – Discriminator learning, by default 0.001
weight_decay (int, optional) – Weight decay (L2 penalty), by default 0
num_neighbor (int, optional) – The number of the simple number, -1 for all neighber, default -1
device (str, optional) – device, default ‘cpu’
verbose (bool, optional) – Verbosity mode, default False
y_true (torch.tensor, optional) – The optional outlier ground truth labels used to monitor the training progress, by default None
alpha (float, optional) – Loss balance weight for attribute and structure, default 0.3
- gen_loss(a_)[source]
The function to compute generator loss.
- Parameters
a (torch.tensor) – The probability of edge from the fake attribute reconstruction adjacency matrix.
- Returns
Generator loss.
- Return type
- predict(graph, attrb_feat=None, alpha=0.3, batch_size=0, device='cpu', num_neighbor=-1)[source]
Test model
- Parameters
graph (dgl.DGLGraph) – Input graph.
attrb_feat (torch.tensor, optional) – The attritube matrix of nodes. None for use the graph.ndata[‘feat’], default None
alpha (float, optional) – Loss balance weight for attribute and structure, default 0.3
batch_size (int, optional) – Minibatch size, 0 for full batch, default 0
device (str, optional) – device, default ‘cpu’
num_neighbor (int, optional) – The number of the simple number, -1 for all neighber, default -1
- Returns
The score of all nodes.
- Return type
- class dgld.models.GAAN.model.GAAN_model(noise_dim, gen_hid_dims, attrb_dim, ed_hid_dims, out_dim, dropout=0, act=<function relu>)[source]
GAAN base model
- Parameters
noise_dim (int) – Dimension of the Gaussian random noise
gen_hid_dims (List) – The list for the size of each hidden sample for generator.
attrb_dim (int) – The attribute of node’s dimension
ed_hid_dims (List) – The list for the size of each hidden sample for encoder.
out_dim (int) – Dimension of encoder output.
dropout (int, optional) – Dropout probability of each hidden, default 0
act (callable activation function, optional) – The non-linear activation function to use, default torch.nn.functional.relu
- forward(random_noise, x)[source]
The function to compute forward.
- Parameters
random_noise (torch.tensor) – The random noise.
x (torch.tensor) – The ture attritube for node.
- Returns
x_ (torch.tensor) – The generated attritube
a (torch.tensor) – The reconstruction adjacency matrix by real attritube.
a_ (torch.tensor) – The reconstruction adjacency matrix by fake attritube.
- training: bool
- class dgld.models.GAAN.model.MLP(in_channels, hid_layers, out_channels, dropout=0, act=<function relu>, batch_norm=True)[source]
MLP model for generator and encoder
- Parameters
in_channels (int) – Size of each input sample
hid_layers (List) – The list for the size of each hidden sample.
out_channels (int) – Size of each output sample.
dropout (int, optional) – Dropout probability of each hidden, default 0
act (callable activation function, optional) – The non-linear activation function to use, default torch.nn.functional.relu
- forward(in_feat)[source]
The function to compute forward of MLP
- Parameters
in_feat (torch.tensor) – The feature of the input data
- Returns
The output of MLP
- Return type
- training: bool