- class dgld.models.GUIDE.model.GNAConv(in_feat, out_feat)[source]
GNAConv for rebuild struct feature
- Parameters
in_feat (int) – input data dimension
out_feat (int) – output data dimension
- forward(block, feat)[source]
The function to compute forward
- Parameters
block (DGL.Graph.DGLBlock) – input graph
feat (torch.tensor) – feature
- Returns
out – out feature
- Return type
- message_func(edges)[source]
the message function
- Parameters
edges (dgl.DGLGraph.edges) –
- Returns
msg – the message
- Return type
- training: bool
- class dgld.models.GUIDE.model.GUIDE(attrb_dim, attrb_hid, struct_dim, struct_hid, num_layers=4, dropout=0, act=<function relu>)[source]
Higher-order Structure Based Anomaly Detection on Attributed Networks 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data
- Parameters
attrb_dim (int) – attributed feature dimensions of input data
attrb_hid (int) – Hidden dimension for attribute autoencoder
struct_dim (int) – struct feature dimensions of input data,you can use function get_struct_feat() to generate struct feature or use 6 as same as org paper
struct_hid (int) – Hidden dimension for struct autoencoder
num_layers (int, optional) – Total number of layers. Default: 4.
dropout (float, optional) – Dropout rate. Default: 0. .
act (callable activation function, optional) – Activation function. Default: torch.nn.functional.relu
>>> gnd_dataset = GraphNodeAnomalyDectionDataset("Cora", p = 15, k = 50) >>> g = gnd_dataset[0] >>> label = gnd_dataset.anomaly_label >>> model = GUIDE(g.ndata['feat'].shape[1],256,6,64,num_layers=4,dropout=0.6) >>> model.fit(g,lr=0.001,num_epoch=200,device='0',alpha=0.9986,verbose=True,y_true=label) >>> result = model.predict(g,alpha=0.9986) >>> print(split_auc(label, result))
- fit(graph, attrb_feat=None, struct_feat=None, lr=0.005, batch_size=0, num_epoch=100, alpha=None, device='cpu', verbose=False, y_true=None)[source]
train the model
- Parameters
graph (DGL.Graph) – input graph with feature named “feat” in g.ndata
attrb_feat (torch.tensor, optional) – attribute feature,if don’t set, auto use the graph.ndata[‘feat’]. Default: None
struct_feat (torch.tensor, optional) – struct feature,if don’t set,auto generate by function get_struct_feat(). Default: None
lr (float, optional) – learning rate for training. Default:5e-3
logdir (str, optional) – tensorboard logdir. Default: ‘tmp’
num_epoch (int, optional) – number of epoch for training. Default: 100
alpha (float, optional) – the weight about attribute loss and struct loss,if don’t set, auto generate. Default: None
device (str, optional) – device. Default : ‘cpu’
verbose (bool, optional) – Verbosity mode. Turn on to print out log information. Default : False.
y_true (list , optional) – The optional outlier ground truth labels used to monitor the training progress. Default : None
- predict(graph, attrb_feat=None, struct_feat=None, batch_size=0, alpha=None, device='cpu')[source]
test the model
- Parameters
graph (DGL.Graph) – input graph with feature named “feat” in g.ndata
attrb_feat (torch.tensor, optional) – attribute feature,if don’t set, auto use the graph.ndata[‘feat’]. Default: None
struct_feat (torch.tensor, optional) – struct feature,if don’t set,auto generate by function get_struct_feat(). Default: None
alpha (float, optional) – the weight about attribute loss and struct loss,if don’t set, auto generate. Default: None
device (str, optional) – device. Default : ‘cpu’
- Returns
score (torch.tensor)
the score of all nodes
- class dgld.models.GUIDE.model.GUIDEModel(attrb_dim, attrb_hid, struct_dim, struct_hid, num_layers=4, dropout=0, act=<function relu>)[source]
- cal_loss(attrb_org, attrb_rb, struct_org, struct_rb, alpha)[source]
calculation the loss of the model
- Parameters
attrb_org (torch.tensor) – original attribute feature
attrb_rb (torch.tensor) – rebuild attribute feature
struct_org (torch.tensor) – original struct feature
struct_rb (torch.tensor) – rebuild struct feature
alpha (float, optional) – the weight about attribute loss and struct loss
- Returns
loss – the loss of the model
- Return type
- forward(blocks, attr_feat, struct_feat)[source]
The function to compute forward
- Parameters
blocks (list) – list of DGLBlock
attrb_feat (torch.tensor) – attribute feature
struct_feat (torch.tensor) – struct feature
- Returns
attr_feat (torch.tensor) – rebuilded attribute feature
struct_feat (torch.tensor) – rebuilded struct feature
- get_all_score(attrb_org, attrb_rb, struct_org, struct_rb, alpha)[source]
get all node’s score
- Parameters
attrb_org (torch.tensor) – original attribute feature
attrb_rb (torch.tensor) – rebuild attribute feature
struct_org (torch.tensor) – original struct feature
struct_rb (torch.tensor) – rebuild struct feature
alpha (float, optional) – the weight about attribute loss and struct loss
- Returns
score – shape is (num_node,1) the score of all nodes
- Return type
- training: bool